
Madhavi Jordan, MD, FACS

Madhavi Jordan, MD, FACS


About Dr. Madhavi Jordan

Dr. Madhavi Jordan is a board-certified and award-winning physician with extensive experience in a wide variety of surgical procedures. She is dedicated to her patients, ensuring they are well informed and confident in decisions about their care. Dr. Jordan values helping others and enjoys sharing her medical expertise. Her specialization in minimally invasive and robotic surgery allows her to offer the very latest technology to her patients, in addition to traditional techniques, treating an array of disorders that vary in complexity.

Dr. Jordan is accepting new patients and practices out of our Canton office.

Education & Training

  • Doctor of Medicine, Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, VA, 2000
  • Residency, General Surgery, Abington Memorial Hospital, Abington, PA, 2005

Certifications & Affiliations

  • Board Certified, General Surgery
  • American College of Surgeons
  • Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons

Special Interests

  • General Surgery
  • Laparoscopic and robotic surgery

Awards & Honors

  • Castle Connolly, Top Doctor, 2024-2025

Northside Provider Directory Details

View Dr. Madhavi Jordan's profile in the Northside Hospital Physician Directory

Family photo

Ultimately, Dr. Vettukattil and Dr. Jordan saved my mother’s life by finding that the GI symptoms were due to undiagnosed pancreatic cancer, which they were able to catch early enough for her to receive treatment,” Jeanne's daughter said.

Read More about Dr. Vettukattil and Dr. Jordan's Patient's Story